Another Random Password Script

I seem to do this sort of thing a lot. Start out by installing the dictionary of your choice, I prefer the ‘Large American’ with; sudo apt install wamerican-largesudo apt install wamerican-large Then, if it doesn’t exist, create a ~/bin directory and move into it; mkdir -p ~/bin cd ~/binmkdir -p ~/bin cd ~/bin And…

What kernel modules are changing

Start out by creating a little shell script to compare two runs of ‘lsmod’; #!/bin/bash # ~/bin/ModList File1=/tmp/ModList.a File2=/tmp/ModList.b # If there is no File1, create it [ ! -e ${File1} ] && lsmod > ${File1} # Always create File2 lsmod > ${File2} # Compare File1 with File2, results to the screen diff -i ${File1}…